The Story of Jag Getting Catfished

Hi, if you’re seeing this site you probably know about Jag the Luxray AKA Jacob Kenny. I made this site to outline how I catfished this retard into thirsting after me via furry pictures and a VR Chat lapdance.

But it might be best to start at the beginning….

Once upon a time I was a lowly faggot gay boy like most furries are (Jag especially LOL), but I had a bad breakup with my gay furry boyfriend (back when I went by Fluffy), so I decided to do what most faggots do, WIPE AWAY MY BAD FEELINGS BY GOING ON HRT!!!!!

This idiot STILL thinks I’m a true and honest girl!
Just some casual talking to children as a grown man before the transition started UwU

Around 2020 I decided to get myself an axe wound I started to FULLY go and let the world know about the NEW ME!!!!! xD

Got them all hook line and sinker to buy into it. What retards!

And this is around when this little freak started to show up….

I found the perfect target….

This little FAGGOT showed up on my profile telling me that my furry avatar is “cute uwu”. He also started leaving some comments on my screenshots…

“What would I give to be there with you uwu” WHAT A FUCKING RETARDED LOSER LMAOOOOO

And this guy just wouldn’t leave me alone! Every goon bait VR chat screenshot I would post he would just THIRST like crazy!!!!!

“Wuv you” LMAO

This freak fell for it all and STILL treats me like his “queen”! I can’t wait until I drain his TF2 inventory and reveal to him I’ve had a dick bigger than his all along LMAO

Little freak will probably get off on it when it happens though, I think I can string this retard along until the end of time!